When To Book a newborn Photography session
Oh my goodness, congratulations on your pregnancy and newborn baby! What a amazing and crazy time. There are a lot of things going on and I know that pregnancy and new momma brain is a real thing. So I’ve got you covered. Here is what to know about when to book a newborn photography session.

These are the most common questions parents have about When to book and schedule a newborn photo session.
There are a lot of newborn photographers out there to choose from and each may run their business and sessions a bit differently, however, for the most part this info is fairly standard. You will want to talk to your photographer to find out exactly what their policies are. Let’s get started answering the questions about when to book your newborn photography session.
When should I book my newborn photography session? Is it best to schedule during pregnancy or wait until after birth?
Ideally it is preferred 3 to 4 months before your due date to book your session with a photographer. With that said if you don’t get it done or think about it at that time, just call the photographer and see if there is an opening, it can’t hurt to ask. And you can call multiple photographers too if the first one can’t fit you in the schedule. Keep in mind that ideally you want to photograph a full term baby at 6 to 12 days.
How far in advance do you recommend booking to secure a spot on your calendar?
As soon as you can. Pay the retainer and sign the contract.
What’s the ideal age window for newborn photos? Is there a “sweet spot” for those sleepy, curly poses?
The ideal age is between 6 – 12 days. I also consider the baby’s birth weight. With that said if you don’t get around to thinking about pictures or you’ve decided not to, then decide you want to, baby’s can be photographed when they’re several weeks old. The pictures will be wonderful but they will look a bit different as the baby will not be as small and flexible.
How long does a typical newborn session last? Should we plan for multiple hours?
I like you to come to my studio 30 minutes before the session starts and then you’ll feed baby when you get here. When the session starts it typically is 2 to 2 ½ hours for the session. This really depends on the baby. Other photographers may go longer. Just ask what the typical session, and know that it may go a bit longer if the baby takes a little longer to settle.

Do you limit the number of newborn sessions you take per week/month?
I can do one session per day, Monday through Friday. And Saturday mornings at special request and there is an additional fee. Other photographers may do more sessions in a day or some may only shoot on certain days of the week.
What happens if my baby arrives earlier or later than expected? How flexible is your scheduling?
When you book the newborn session we will schedule the session about 8 or 9 days after your due date. This is flexible. When you have the baby you will notify me within 48 hours from delivery and then we can schedule the actual session day. If working with a different photographer just ask what they would do in this situation.
Do you have a rescheduling policy if my baby is born with jaundice or needs to stay in the NICU?
Absolutely, I’ve had two baby’s have NICU stays so I feel ya. If working with a different photographer just ask what they would do in this situation.
Can we reschedule if my baby or I aren’t feeling well on the day of the session?
Absolutely! And I will do the same if I’m not feeling well, because I care about you and your baby’s health. If working with a different photographer just ask what they would do in this situation.
What time of day do you typically schedule newborn sessions? Is there an optimal time based on baby’s feeding schedule?
You will come to the studio at 8:30am, feed baby, and then the session starts at 9am. Some photographers find they like a different time of day, so just ask them.

Do you offer weekend or evening appointments for parents who can’t take time off work?
I can do Saturday morning on request and there is an additional fee. You will need to ask your photographer.
Is there a deposit required to secure our session date? Is it refundable if we need to reschedule?
Yes, there is a retainer fee that is non refundable, this fee goes toward the price of the session. If you need to reschedule then the retainer just moves with the session. Again, other photographers may run their business a little different so just ask.
What paperwork or contracts will we need to complete before the session?
When you book the session you will pay the retainer and also sign a contract.

Do you offer a pre-session consultation to discuss our vision and preferences?
When you book, I send you a questionnaire that has a lot of information for me. I am also more than happy to talk to you on the phone about the session.
If we’re interested in seasonal props, do you do that?
Yes, please just let me know when booking the session.
Would you like to know more about my newborn sessions? click here
Well, there you have it. Many good questions and my answers to those questions. Now, each photographer is a little different and many run their business differently so if you aren’t booking your newborn session with me then please be sure to ask all these questions to the photographer so you aren’t caught by surprise.
But really, deep down, I’m hoping you book your newborn photo session with me because I truly love to capture this moment you don’t want to miss. #dontmissthismoment Your baby will never be as small as they are during those first several days. You will not regret getting a newborn session done.