
When To Book a newborn Photography session

African American newborn baby girl wearing a pink peach flower print outfit
When to book your newborn photography

When should I book my newborn photography session? Is it best to schedule during pregnancy or wait until after birth?

How far in advance do you recommend booking to secure a spot on your calendar?

What’s the ideal age window for newborn photos? Is there a “sweet spot” for those sleepy, curly poses?

How long does a typical newborn session last? Should we plan for multiple hours?

newborn baby boy

Do you limit the number of newborn sessions you take per week/month?

What happens if my baby arrives earlier or later than expected? How flexible is your scheduling?

Do you have a rescheduling policy if my baby is born with jaundice or needs to stay in the NICU?

Can we reschedule if my baby or I aren’t feeling well on the day of the session?

What time of day do you typically schedule newborn sessions? Is there an optimal time based on baby’s feeding schedule?

newborn baby boy on a small newborn bed

Do you offer weekend or evening appointments for parents who can’t take time off work?

Is there a deposit required to secure our session date? Is it refundable if we need to reschedule?

What paperwork or contracts will we need to complete before the session?

Newborn Baby Girl wrapped in lavendar fabric

Do you offer a pre-session consultation to discuss our vision and preferences?

If we’re interested in seasonal props, do you do that?

This Newborn Booking and Scheduling post is one in a series of several about Newborn Photography so be sure to check back for more valuable content.

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