Featured Image Splash

Featured Image Splash

Oh dear Bacon how I love thee! Honestly if it wasn’t for my love of this delicious meat I would probably be a vegetarian. Get your Bacon Ipsum HERE Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet salami jowl beef ribs, pork ham hock biltong ribeye rump porchetta meatball turkey filet mignon capicola spare ribs short loin….

Flash Back Friday – Just Get It Done  – Utah County Family Photographer

Flash Back Friday – Just Get It Done – Utah County Family Photographer

Families are so special.  When I can capture them at that moment, it is great because there will never be that same moment again.  Mom’s and Dad’s, people in general, never feel like there is a good time to have pictures taken.  “My kids won’t behave”, “my 5 yr old has such a cheesy smile…